Stitchology 2025

Stitchology classes continuing in 2025.

Please come and join us for interesting and diverse hand embroidery techniques and ideas.

All welcome 

Stitchology at the Block

Stitchology at the Block

This year I am offering my regular Weekly and Monthly Classes and Weekend Workshops under the label of ‘Stitchology at the Block’.

If you want to know more about this label and the Classes and Weekend Workshops visit the workshops page.

Podcasts are wonderful and Susan has the ability to make it sound as if we were having a catch over a cuppa.

Would you like to know:

  • why I don’t like my students licking their threads?
  • what I’ve been planning and stitching over the summer
  • how I design and plan my projects
  • what has kept me interested in stitching for the past 43 years.

Listen now or when you have time.

> Click here to listen


Community events – Hearty Ripplers

Community events – Hearty Ripplers

1000 Hearts Project  –  kindness – community – creativity

Sharing kindness through handmade pocket hearts.

Judy, one of my wonderful students encouraged me to assist with the organizing of community events to bring creators of Hearts together.  1000 Hearts Project was started by a fellow Hobart stitcher, Sarah De Jong in 2016.

Podcasts – do you enjoy listening to them?

Depending on what I am doing, I find a stitching podcast so relaxing and interesting to listen to.

Two of my favourite podcast’s are Stitchery Stories and Fibre Talk – they chat with stitcher and crafters from all around the world.

Stitchery Stories     the best UK podcast covering a wide range of all forms of textiles and crafts .

Susan Weeks is the host and has been producing podcasts for years. Her passion is stitching, fibres, fabric, and creating ‘things’.  Her paid job is ‘tech stuff’.   Susan has a bright bubbly personality. Her podcasts are easy listening.

It was a sentimental trip down memory lane for me as Susan recently interviewed Floriane Schmitt who creates items with Canadian Smocking.  My grandmother made many cushions in this technique and they were in pride of place in my mother’s ‘formal lounge room’.

Susan interviews interesting and diverse creative people.  Look through her web site and you will also see that she offers great assistance for business’s managing ‘online tech stuff’

Fibre Talk by We Talk Fibre is another long running podcast, from the USA.

Gary and Beth are great hosts and share a wonderful, bright and informative conversations with their guests. Hear my interview with Fibre Talk on my web site.

Kissing Cousins

Kissing Cousins

Cross stitch in various formats is the feature stitch of Kissing xxx Cousins.


Commence in the middle and build on the various sections of this design.

Easy to stitch, ideal as a project while enjoying summer vacation or while snuggled inside while the snow is falling outside.

Gumnut Yarns perle silk Buds and 50% silk and wool Poppies are complimented with DMC floss and perle cotton 5 and variegated floss by DMC or Cottage Garden.


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