Tudor Garden – Online Class, now open

Tudor Garden – Online Class, now open

Registration Now Open

Cost:   Au $260 

  • Counted Needlepoint
  • Beading
  • Silk Ribbon  – optional

Imagine a summer days, birds tweeting and garden beds overflowing with flowers in full bloom.  The perfume of roses, lavender, petunia’s and many more flowers are with you, as you create each stitch.

The formal lines of an English Tudor Garden, squares, diamonds, long straight paths, manicured lawns were all inspirations for this design.

Sunken gardens at each end featuring topiary bushes and a maze.

Variegated threads compliment the solid colours.

There are not ‘flat iron threads’ in Tudor Garden.

French Knots in 4mm silk ribbon and beads bring texture to the piece.

For more details and to book visit:

web site   Or    Etsy shop 

Tulips – Online Class

Tulips – Online Class

Registration Opens:  1st July 2018 

Cost:  Au $255 ( appox US $190)


  • Counted Needlepoint
  • Silk Ribbon
  • Beading
  • Hand sponged ‘wash’ on canvas


Pink silk ribbon Tulips standing tall and proud are the focal point of this piece.

Design size: 7” x 7”

Garden beds overflowing with tulips are depicted in various ways.

Rambling beds, formal beds and fallen petals surrounded by manicured lawns.


Beads add  ‘ subtle bling’ to Tulips.

When designing this piece I had great fun mixing yellows and pinks in traditional stitches I subtly changed.


I hand sponge the background ‘wash’ on the 18 count canvas

Students will receive a video of me working the Tulips.


To Book and for more details visit

Web site

Etsy Shop

Gelato – Online Class

Gelato – Online Class

Registration Now Open    

Cost:  Au $210

  • Counted needlepoint
  • Beading
  • Silk Ribbon – optional


Make a Gelato to last all year round.

Design size: 6” x 6”

This design is stitched from the middle outwards on hand sponged canvas.


Overdyed threads make every stitch a delight to work.

Nine stitches, worked in a relaxed and enjoyable format make this class great fun.

Bright pink delica beads bring a bright sparkle to Gelato.


To book and more information go to:

web site

Or    Etsy shop

Potager –  A Walled Vegetable Garden and Orchard.

Potager – A Walled Vegetable Garden and Orchard.

Registration Opens:    1st March 2018

Cost: AU $350


Counted Needlepoint

Silk Ribbon

Hand sponged ‘wash’ on canvas


Twenty stitches are used to stitch corn, carrots, parsnips, radishes, tomatoes, apples, pears, apricots, raspberry’s, lettuces and herbs etc  in this Potager.


Espaliered fruit trees and of course hens are all part of a productive Vegetable Patch and Orchard


The layout of the garden beds is based on the format of an early 1800’s walled garden, at Entally Estate, Northern Tasmania.


I hand sponge the background of the 18count interlocked canvas.


Variegated threads stitch to create realistic vegetables, berries and fruit.


To book and more details visit

Web site

Etsy shop

Online Class – Camellia Biscornu

Online Class – Camellia Biscornu

Registration Opens:   1st February

Cost:  Au $220

Small, delicate and easy to finish yourself.


Counted Needlepoint


Silk Ribbon


Camellia Biscornu

Design size 3 ½” x 3 ½”

Delicate pink Camellias created with silk ribbon are a delight to stitch.

Silk Ribbon is flexible and forgiving allowing for a wonderful way to interpret nature.

Each flower will have it’s own personality.


Eight canvas stitches form the soft background for the Camellias to be added to.

Kreinik metallic ribbon adds a soft sparkle to the background.


Registration Opens:           1st February

Class size is limited, book early to make sure you are part of the class.


For more details and to book visit:  Web site Etsy shop

Iced Vovos – Online Class is coming…

Iced Vovos – Online Class is coming…

Are you looking for a Christmas/Holiday Present?

How exciting to have a new interesting piece to stitch over the Holiday Season, given with love to you by a loved one,  or to yourself.

Design size 25 x 16cm

A new Mystery Online Class:    ‘Iced Vo Vo’s’

Registrations  Open 1st December

Close 30th January 2018


Iced Vo Vo is a totally counted piece of needlepoint.  No lines pre drawn on canvas.

What is this piece called I can hear some of my US friends asking?

Iced Vo Vo’s are a biscuit (cookie) loved by Aussie children of ALL ages.

I have wonderful memories of hot summer’s day on the beach with my   much loved grandma sharing a cool drink and a little biscuit treat.  When I was a child, a bought biscuit was a real treat, my mother cooked all our biscuits and cakes.

Yes, Iced Vo Vo’s  are still available and yes, my waistline has increased slightly as  a result of buying a few packets to ‘photograph’.


Visit the Online Class section on my web site or Etsy Shop

  1. For the story of how I came to this name this piece
  2. To book
  3. For all the class details
  4. For Kit information


New Zealand July  2018 – Terracotta Tiles

New Zealand July 2018 – Terracotta Tiles

I am thrilled to have been selected to teach to teach for the Association of New Zealand Embroiderers’ Guild Inc  2018 Conference in Nelson  13th July to 19th July.

These are the two designs that have I will be teaching.

Terracotta Tiles is a delicate design with some intricate sections.  The Empresses Night Out is just ‘loads of fun’.

Terracotta Tiles

Terracotta TilesColour and light reflect in different tones and shapes when the sun is shining on Terracotta, especially if the item is broken.

A dramatic change of colour occurs when Terracotta gets wet or even after a light shower of rain. All of these tones are combined into Terracotta Tiles.

The softness of wool thread, the soft shine created by the rayon in Expressions, and the sparkle of a fine metallic thread combine to create the characteristics of Terracotta.

Tones of Terracotta are enhanced by ‘flashes of pink’ that are in the variegated threads selected.

These tones sit regally on the soft lilac tones of the hand sponges background.  Merrilyn hand sponges each piece of canvas.

Eleven stitches are worked into this design, including long armed cross, flower, gobelin, scotch and rice


Empresses Night Out

This design was inspired by the Emperor Penguins of the Antarctic. I changed their Dinner Suits for Evening Gowns!

Lady’s Florence, Myrtle and Beverley are all dressed up for a Night on the Town. Students will trace the penguins onto a pull away fabric and out-line them at home.

In class students will have the flexibility of stitching their own elegant clothing, moving threads etc around, ‘dressing’ the Lady’s in their unique style.

Over ten stitches are incorporated into this project


On Line Class for Glass House Fuchsias

On Line Class for Glass House Fuchsias

Yes, it’s back

On Line Class for Glass House Fuchsias

Bookings Now Open

Booking Close  – 18th October 2017

Class One posted – 25th October 2017

Second stage posted –  8th January 2018.

Oooooops, yes I know the class has been off line for a couple of weeks, due to reasons I do not wish to bore you with, but it is now back on.

For more details and to enrol Click here to enroll & more info


On Line Class for Glass House Fuchsias

On Line Class for Glass House Fuchsias

It is with great pleasure that I offer Glass House Fuchsias as an online class.

Students will receive three exciting, tactile, luxurious parcels during this On Line Class.

The first parcel will allow you to work the foundation ‘window frames’.

The second parcel will contain all the threads for working the needlepoint background.

The final parcel will contain the instructions and silk ribbons for working the fuchsia flowers.

Students will have the option of purchasing:

1 . the complete kit for this workshop


2. a kit of instructions, silk ribbon and silk lame threads – students would need to supply DMC threads, needle and Kreinik threads.

Bookings Open – 31st August  2017

Booking Close  – 25th September 2017

Class One posted – 3rd  October 2017

Cost is (including postage Australia Wide):

  • On Line Class with Complete Kit  – $376  OR
  • On Line Class with Kit of instructions, silk ribbon and silk lame threads $316


Click here to book and pay online