Needlepoint Magazine Article

Needlepoint Magazine Article

This year is flying past so quickly, it is now mid May.

On a very cold day with snow well down our mountains it is an ideal time for writing a much needed Newsletter as I have many things to share with you.

‘Hens in the Garden’ is on the back cover of the current issue of Needlepoint Now Magazine.

A range of ThreadworX threads have been used in this design.
For my USA friends, I have set the piece of needlepoint into a wonderful Lee Tote Bag (#26)
I keep a few hens, for their eggs and most days I let them out for a scratch around. They amuse me as they scratch and run to get their share of worms and bugs. I hope I have captured their busy
sessions of freedom in this design.

2015 Workshops

2015 Workshops

Saturday Group

Roses 4Roses-4

3rd Saturday of February, March and April

The Saturday ladies will work this design over 3 months. Silk ribbon in 4mm, 7mm and 13mm will be used to create these realistic Roses.

Thursday Group

Merrilyn’s Flowers, a Needleworker’s Companion Bag. Guild-Thurs-Group--2015

Tuesday 7th,14th and 21st July

This class was so popular with the Saturday Ladies that the Thursday group would now like to make their own Companion Bag.

Students will select the flowers they want to stitch from An Encyclopedia of Wool Embroidery Book and use threads from their own stash.  Great fun, great flexibility with great results.

All Threads – Brisbane

Fifi’s Fuchsias

Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th March  Fifi's-Fuchsias

Fifi’s Fuchsias was designed in a ‘light bulb’ moment while teaching for All Threads earlier this year.

It will be a pleasure to teach this for the 1st time at All Threads.

To book for this class contact

Needlework Cruise

crazy roses

1st to 15th April

Crazy Roses is a freestyle embroidery project stitched with wool.

Each student will create their own special design, by choosing their own colours from the range provided in the kit and the placement of the Crazy paths and Roses.

Tudor Garden and Garden Gates are both counted canvas (needlepoint). These delightful pieces are easy to work.

Tudor Garden

Garden Gates

A Stitch in Time – Hobart Tasmania


21st to 24th May 

I will be teaching these two pieces at the ANG Seminar USA 2015. These classes at A Stitch in Time are the prerequisite pilot classes for each design.

To book contact


Not Santa's Beard


American Needlepoint Guild

2015 Seminar Myrtle Beach SC

24th September to 4th October

I have been selected to teach at American Needlepoint Guild Seminar 25th September 2015 to 2nd October 2015.

For  details  please contact ANG:

Weekly Class

Every Monday afternoon a group of enthusiastic ladies meet to stitch and learn about embroidery.

This class started as a ‘learn embroidery stitches’ class and three years later we are all still learning (including the teacher). Threaded into a class of friendship and chatter the students work on projects of their own choice, stitching original freestyle embroidery, hardanger,  crewel  and counted needlepoint.
Finished items completed by the class have included dolls blankets, carry bag, foot stools, framed pieces, cushions/pillows, lids of trinket boxes, small table cloths and needle books.

Lavender Farm

Lavender Farm

Lavender-on-the-frame-and-in-garden--progressLatest release.

Design size approximately 24cm x 17cm or 9.5 ” x 7”.

Master graph and detailed instructions.

Suggested skill level: Intermediate to advanced

The criteria I set for Lavender Farm was to show the stages of the flowers development. From small delicate petals, a single flower, a young plant in bud, a plant in full bloom, to rolling hills covered in hundreds of bushes of lavender. The lavender plants in my garden and the Bridestowe Lavender Estate farm where the inspiration for this design.

Lavender varieties have flowers in all tones of purple and soft pink.

Lavender Farm is finished into an oblong box cushion.



Needlepoint Now – Sep/Oct  2014 issue

Needlepoint Now – Sep/Oct 2014 issue

Pumpkin Patch design as featured on the back cover.

This great needlepoint magazine is a delight to work with and it is a rewarding pleasure to have another of my pieces featured in this issue.




2015 Class – Fifi’s Fuchsias – Counted Needlepoint

2015 Class – Fifi’s Fuchsias – Counted Needlepoint

2015 ClassFifi’s Fuchsias

Fifi’s Fuchsias – Counted Needlepoint

Bright, delicate gathered Fuchsia’s are stitched over a counted needlepoint background.

Traditional needlepoint stitches have been adapted to give a soft grey background.

Please contact me if you would like me to teach this design with your stitching group.





September/October 2015 ANG Seminar  Myrtle Beach SC  USA

September/October 2015 ANG Seminar Myrtle Beach SC USA

I have been selected to teach at American Needlepoint Guild Seminar 25th September 2015 to 2nd October 2015.

For  details  please contact ANG:

Weekly Class – meet to stitch and learn about embroidery

Every Monday afternoon a group of enthusiastic ladies meet to stitch and learn about embroidery.

This class started as a ‘learn embroidery stitches’ class and three years later we are all still learning (including the teacher). Threaded into a class of friendship and chatter the students work on projects of their own choice, stitching original freestyle embroidery, hardanger,  crewel  and counted needlepoint.
Finished items completed by the class have included dolls blankets, carry bag, foot stools, framed pieces, cushions/pillows, lids of trinket boxes, small table cloths and needle books.

March 22 and 23rd  All Threads – Brisbane

March 22 and 23rd All Threads – Brisbane

garden_gatesCounted Needlepoint – Garden Gates  – students can work with their own colour selection.

This class was a great success, students worked in a range of colours from black to orange to delicate pinks.