Embroidery Workshops around the world
UPCOMING EVENTS (Scroll down for more details)
‘Stitchology at the Block’ 2025 Kingston
Would you like to know why our stitching sessions at Kingston have a new title?
Read on …..
Our stitching time together are now referred to as our Stitchology time.
During 2023 I was interview by a local radio station, the presenter, Joel, had being interviewing many ‘ologists’ with a wide range of occupations. After the live interview had finished I mentioned to Joel that I had been thinking I should phone the studio to suggest that maybe I could be an embroideryologist …. He laughed with glee and mentioned it on air as ‘I left the building’
Many of my delightful students heard the interview. It lead to many joyful discussions the next time we met. They totally agreed that a stitching session with me is much better than some styles of ‘ologist’ and is much cheaper!!!
They are now delighted to have their very own Stitchologist.
At our stitching sessions are a happy and sharing time. We care for each other but don’t get too involved with each other’s lives as stitching is ‘time out’ from every day activities.
As we stitch, we challenge ourselves, learn something new, have the joy of completing an item, have the joy of giving items to loves ones and we all know how the time totally dissolves when needle and threads are in our hand.
………At the Block – we meet in either Block B at the Kingston Library
,,,,Weekly and Monthly Classes
Stitching is a journey of mindfulness.
Do you want to relax, de-stress? Yoga does not always work for everyone!
Learn embroidery
The hours just fly by and you gain the wonderful delights of creating with your hands in the comfort of your favourite armchair.
Thursday afternoon:
Location: Block B Kingston Library Complex – enter off Church Street Kingston. February 6th through to 27th November 2025
We stitch in a room with wonderful natural light, good heating available and we have plenty of space.
Time: 12.30 to 3.30pm
Cost: 4 weeks $70
Saturday classes:
Location: Block B Kingston Library Complex – enter off Church Street Kingston.
In 2025 these are the dates for the Saturday Classes
Feb 22nd, March 15th, April 12th, May 10th, June 21st, July 19th, August 16th, Sep 20th, October 18th, Nov 15th
We stitch in a room with wonderful natural light, good heating available and we have plenty of space.
Time: 10am to 3.00pm
Cost: 5 months $170
Please contact Merrilyn for more details.
EGA Blog
I was thrilled to be interviewed for the EGA Blog, to read about some of my journey with needle and thread visit: