Embroidery Designer Merrilyn Heazlewood
I’m thrilled to be releasing a red sampler I have designed in honour of Australian born and educated, Queen Mary of Denmark. MORE INFORMATION
Podcasts are wonderful and Susan has the ability to make it sound as if we were having a catch over a cuppa.
Would you like to know:
- why I don’t like my students licking their threads?
- what I’ve been planning and stitching over the summer
- how I design and plan my projects
- what has kept me interested in stitching for the past 43 years.
Embroidery & Needlework
Download Patterns
Are you new to stitching?
Watch Merrilyn’s beginner videos on how to get started.
Meet Merrilyn
Merrilyn’s needlework journey has included designing, stitching and self publishing over ten needlework books then travelling to North America, UK, New Zealand and Asia to promote and share her love of stitching.

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