Downloadable Patterns

Here you can purchase my needlepoint patterns (supplied as a PDF).

All prices are in Australian dollars AUD. Please visit your favourite currency convertor for an estimate of your currency. > Here is a link to one.

When you stitch a downloaded pattern you have the luxury of changing colours and threads.
If you only have stranded cotton/floss and or perle cotton 5 in your stash or at your local needlework shop, go ahead and work with these threads.

All of my designs can be stitched in stranded cotton and/ or perle cotton 5.

For Australian stitchers, some of the threads I have used in these designs are easily available in the USA but not always here, please substitute to your hearts’ content.

When stitching with stranded cotton, you also have the luxury of stitching with 4, 5 or 6 strands, what- ever suits you the best.

Perle Cotton 5 is made by a range of companies, DMC, Anchor and Presencia in solid and ‘finger itching’ variegated colours.
Other similar threads is Caron Watercolours – this is a divisible hand dyed variegated thread, which has 3 strands gently twisted together – pull out and stitch with one thread.

Any questions contact me.

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